Agent Support Center

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Making Mistakes On Your Web Site

Some folks with websites think that just having a website up should bring them traffic...and therefore business. It is true that having a website is an important tool not only for establishing credibility, but for generating leads as well.

However, there are many common mistakes that can actually hurt your business! Your site must have the looks and integrity of a business site that instills confidence in your visitors. It must have the content they are looking for. It must have lead generating systems. And certainly it must be search engine optimized so that visitors can find your site in the first place.

Well, each of the above could be an entire seminar all in itself. So for a quick 1-2-3 read, visit this author's take on "Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Web Site?".

Hopefully you will find something that you can do to make your website even better than it is.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Differentiate Your Home Page For More Business

How well does your website explain in a sentence or two, on your home page, what your business does and its competitive advantage?

Since we know that your website has only a few seconds to convince a visitor to stay, both design and message must stand on their own.

Read this article for more info on this important topic.

Spam Revisited

There is so much Spam out there, that many companies and email providers have implemented anti-spam type of filters to help solve the problem. This in itself can create another problem…missed or undelivered emails to you.

After analyzing this situation, I have found that many legitimate folks that use free email systems such as hotmail, gmail and the like often fall victim to many of the spam filters. The reason . . . many spammers use the free services . . . and so what is actually happening here is that the good are getting thrown out with the bad.

The net result to you…the email from a legitimate party may be lying in a spam mail file. I would highly recommend that you check your spam mail at least once a week to see if a potentially important message is waiting for you. Your email provider may have spam settings, as well as you having spam settings on your own computer . . . so just be aware of this challenge.

A good solution for GraphicalData website owners lies in your GraphicalData back door admin center. The current interface of the admin center provides you with the latest 10 emails that have been sent to you via any form from your GD website . . .right on the entry landing page. Now this doesn’t solve the delivery issue of other emails from other sources, but at least those lead generating emails from your website will show here.

This is a great idea for quick monitoring of one of your most important means of communication.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Horizontal Navigation Bar Now Available

Horizontal Navigation is now available in GraphicalData websites.

In the past, we have been limited to using the vertical navigation bar on GD sites...but no more! Horizontal navigation is now available.

If you should like to modify your site, please contact Ozzie at Agent Support Center to discuss this new venue now available to GraphicalData website owners.