Agent Support Center

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Search Engine Myths

We all have our thoughts on what might make a site rank higher than others . . . and question why our site doesn't beat out another site when ours is "optimized" better than theirs.

Read this short article that debunks "10 Search Engine Myths". An interesting read that I have to agree with.

If you delve back into previous articles I have posted over the years, most of which are still relevant, you will find the core components of good SEO.

If we can be of any assistance in helping your site to rank better in the search engines, contact us at .

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Tips From Experts in Today's Market

Ten real estate experts share their views on what it takes to stay on top in today's marketplace.

With the economy looking a bit gloomy, "bailouts" taking place in the financial institutions and the "Big 3", the stock market zigzagging all over the place, foreclosures and the like . . . what is a real estate agent to think, do and plan for?

Read this article on philosophies and tips needed to survive

Remember, someone is listing and selling properties. Make sure you are one of them!