Agent Support Center

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Pillers of an Effective Website

There are many factors that one needs to consider when creating or maintaining a website that needs to appeal to both your visitors and the search engines.

To find a good synopsis of some of the considerations in what a good, effective site should have, visit this article. Concentrate on focus, depth, and stickyness as laid out my this author.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Your GraphicalData Blog Is Now Available!

The rollout of the new GraphicalData Blog has begun! GD clients with a GraphicalData website can now easily add a Blog to their website...and at no additional cost!

The option of adding a Blog to your website should appear in the lower left side navigation when editing your website within the Website section of your admin center. It is entitled "Website Blog" with a green bubble beside it. Just click on it to pull up your Blog, and get to know it. You will complete some simple set-up options...and then go ahead and create a Blog Entry.

Once you have played around a bit, it should become more intuitive, as it is a modestly simple environment to work in...

If you are reading this message and have noted that your "Website Blog" option is not available to you, email: with a link to your GraphicalData Website and you'll be pushed to the front of the line to resolve this availability issue!

Due to the fact that many GD clients have custom website designs, or have done extensive content editing, some may experience an easier adoption than others. If after creating an entry and viewing it, you find the layout is broken, please email: with a link to your blog, and GD will review it. Inquiries are handled in the order recieved. GD has requested that you avoid calling Customer Support on this topic, as it needs to be routed to the tech crew at the email address above anyway, so go this easy route if you experience anything strange.

Thanks for your patience as GD begins this roll out! For most clients this will be an easy, additional tool to use in your business. More details to follow!