Agent Support Center

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ranking Well In The Search Engines

There are many factors to consider in ranking well with the search engines. And, as luck would have it, each search engine has its own recipe (or algorithm) for the criteria that they apply to this end.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) "sets the stage" for the engines. Optimizing a website is sort of like staging a home for buyers, except in this case, you are staging for the search engine 'bots. If you have good content (which is very important) it still needs to abide by other factors that search engines build into their formulas for ranking websites.

Here is a good article on some of the factors that can help put you in good standing with the search engines.

If you would like Agent Support Center to assist you with SEO and help position you correctly in the search engine wars, please feel free to contact us at or

Don't miss this critical step: "staging" your website correctly and increasing your chances for being found on the search engines.