As The Internet Spins, Your Business is Measured in Speed
The success of your business in today’s marketplace, and with today’s expectations is more and more being measured in how quickly you respond…it is being measure in speed. Everything around us is fast, is ever-changing, is ever-evolving. You are surrounded with buyers and sellers who want it now. They expect an immediate response, immediate results, excellence in service.
It is as important…and probably even more so than offline…to respond as quickly as possible to online inquiries. Folks on the internet are more and more expecting almost immediate responses to online inquiries. [NOTE: obviously technology is working against us here…instead of freeing us up with more time and flexibility…the expectations have increased for doing business quickly and doing it anytime the customer wants.]
I know it is easy to want to set specific times for call backs, etc., but that extra 2 hours till our call back time-frame can mean the loss of a customer. They won’t wait. I have monitored visitors actually emailing an agent every 5 to 10 minutes with 3 or 4 emails before they give up (and I assume moved on to another website and another agent).
If you are going to post your sign and online store onto the internet…pay for design, hosting, SEO, promotion and the like to the tune of hundreds...and even thousands of dollars, then why wouldn’t you treat every inquiry with the speed and attention that it deserves?
We need to respect our online presence and respond to our online visitors with the speed they expect…it will immediately set you up with a better business presence and a greater degree of credibility in your visitor’s mind…and you capture them before they move on to the competition.
Treat your online business with the priority it deserves, and you will be able to measure the results!
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